Piotr Biernacki appointed as member of EFRAG SR TEG
Piotr Biernacki, ESG Reporting Partner at MATERIALITY, has been appointed as member of Sustainability Reporting Technical Expert Group (SR TEG).
MATERIALITY is an economic reporting principle, according to which all events materially affecting the operating activity, situation and prospects of the unit should be disclosed in the report.
We established MATERIALITY to support listed companies in sustainability reporting and to concentrate on what is crucial for their investors, clients and other stakeholders.
For over 20 years Piotr has worked with growth strategies of listed companies and specializes in sustainability and sustainable finance issues. He is a member of the Sustainability Reporting Technical Expert Group (SR TEG) […]
At MATERIALITY, Justyna works with corporate impacts on the natural and social environment and the inclusion of sustainability aspects into business growth strategies. She specializes in the topics of circular transformation and implementing business models that are in line […]
Piotr Biernacki, ESG Reporting Partner at MATERIALITY, has been appointed as member of Sustainability Reporting Technical Expert Group (SR TEG).
Soon all large and some small and medium-sized enterprises will report sustainable development issues in accordance with the provisions of the CSRD directive.
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